Dangerous. All of you

Obrázek uživatele Urrsari

The grounds of the temple were safe, but nothing compared to being where no walls were. This time, the lake.

Marka pointed to a tree on the shore. "Hey, look! There are ropeswings."
"Leave me out of this," Irkus said, stripped and tiptoed into the water.
Marka was already clutching the rope. "Give me a swing, Gunn!"
Gunnrarr let go off the leash of the one dog she dared to bring and did as asked just as the dog made a leap for Irkus' head.
The collision was loud.

Irkus kept hissing like a wet cat. "Dangerous. All of you."

Závěrečná poznámka: 

Dúfam, že si to vie čitateľ predstaviť. Irkus sa medzitým ponoril tak, že mu bolo vidieť len hlavu. Marka mala letieť úplne iným smerom než kam ju strhol ten mastif. Gunn ostala suchá. Ako jediná. Za poznámku tiež stojí, že pes pristál zadkom na Irkovi.

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